The Predator flew his spaceship into our atmosphere and while cloaked hovered it just off the coast of Africa. He landed it in the ocean water 15 miles out from Marca Point off the coast of Angola, a location more archaic than the rest of the world, a location with a multitude of conflict. The landing gear on his ship drilled into a rock hillside just above the ocean floor, securing itself.
This Hish wore a black robe as he got up from the bridge of his ship and walked through a corridor to his galley. His head was massive and lizard-like, he had four arthropod-like mandibles and long black appendages set into his skull that resembled dreadlocks. He stood at 7 feet 4 inches tall and had a mammoth muscular build.
He walked over to a counter and pushed a number of buttons on a wall as a red capsule ejected out of a refrigerated box. He took the capsule and broke it open taking out a blue amphibious creature. Once exposed to the air the creature sprung to life and struggled in the Predator’s hand. With his other hand he pulled out a long blade and sliced up the belly of the little creature, straight up to its neck. He set it down on the counter and ripped the body open digging out all the organs and placing them into a bowl. He pulled the creature’s skin off its carcass and tore all the bone and cartilage out. He took his blade and cut out all the meat and through the rest into a sink. He then sliced the meat up into small pieces and placed them into a metal bowl. He put the bowl onto a stove and turned it on and with one flash of blue flame it was done. The meat sat there in the bowl sizzling.
He then walked over to a conservatory off the galley and went in where there was an abundance of plant life. He grabbed a hand full of verdures off a plantlet and picked up four potato-like vegetables and walked back out. He took a fusion device from the counter and injected it into each potato resulting in them cooking instantly. He began to mince the organs in the bowl and added seasoning to them. He placed the verdures on a plate and poured the spicy minced organs on top. On another plate he put the meat and potatoes and then walked over and sat at a table.
He pushed a button on the table and a metal cup with a glass top cycled up from it. He grabbed the cup and pressed the bottom of it toward the center of the table into a valve. Purple liquid poured up into the cup filling it, the Predator took a drink and then held the salad bowl up to his mandibles and began to scoff down the food.
Later the Predator went into an exercise room and picked up a six foot long fighting bow and pushed a button on a computer on the wall. He squatted down in a fighting stance and waited. A holographic creature materialized in front of him and began to attack him, swinging its four arms. The Predator jumped out of the way of the massive creature, swinging his bow into its side and knocking it into a wall. The creature stands and shakes off the knock it just took to the head, then leaps at the Predator, kicking him to the floor. The Predator pushed up on his bow keeping the creature from biting his head off. The creature slashes at the Predator's left bicep cutting it. A luminescent phosphor green liquid bleeds from his cut. The Predator forces the creature off of him and rams the end of the bow into one of its six eyes, killing it.
The creature dematerialized as the Predator got up and walked to a machine that sends electrical pulsating shocks through its body, building up its muscles. He then left the exercise room and walked down the corridor to the weapons room. Once inside he took his robe off and hung it on a hook. The Predator began to put on his hunting gear, placing netting along his body and strapping small trophy skulls to his side. He put on his right forearm device and then released the two foot long blades out to test it. He then put on his left forearm device; he opens the bomb apparatus and initiates the self-destruct sequence. The countdown begins as the red lights on the device begin to decrease in number. The predator then deactivates the sequence.
He places his shoulder mount and primary weapon on and then puts his hunting helmet on over his face, connecting air tubes to it. He walks to the wall and places his head into a hole, while looking inside the Predator checks his vision which operates mainly in the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, which allows him to easily detect heat differentials in his surroundings. Looking into the hole, behind a glass window is a number of captive creatures of all different sizes. Using his helmet increase spectrum intensifier he scans the various creatures and inanimate objects within the holding cell. He flips through frequencies within the helmet to help detect a variety of heat signatures, ranging from the low infrared to the high ultraviolet; also the filters clarify the ambient heat in any given area allowing him to see things with greater clarity and detail.
The Predator pushes a switch on his wall that brings up a ball that actives his shoulder primary weapon and aims its three targeting beams onto the ball. The ball moves up and down and back and forth while the Predator focuses on targeting it at all times. He pushes a button on his left arm device and cloaks himself then turns it off. Satisfied, the Predator leaves the room and walks over to a pod embedded into the wall, he climbs in and closes the entry and then ejects himself out of the ship.
The pod thrusts to the surface of the ocean and lands on the shore. Within the pod the predator cannot detect any life forms in the immediate area. He exits the pod and pushes a button to which the pod closes its hatch and thrusts away back underwater. The Predator cloaked, walks into the jungle, climbing up a huge tree and jumps to another and then another. He then perches himself high above the ground and sits there, scanning the area as his helmet provides him with the temperature and humidity of his surrounding area. He looks down toward the ground and filters through his light spectrums and then sees a snake devouring a rodent of some sort. He then sees a man and boy walk under the tree he is in. The Predator immediately focuses in on the rifle on the man’s back but is not threatened by them. He deciphers their language and lessons to the man talk to the boy, “These hills are filled with vermin, this jungle is dark with creatures at night, cannibals that only wish to drink your blood and tear your flesh. You must be ready to fight, you must be ready to die but you kill as many of them as you can my son.” They walk away as the Predator looks the other way at birds leaving the jungle and flying toward the ocean. The air is filled with death and the Predator can smell every bit of it.
The Predator preferred to hunt in equatorial climates because there was always more to hunt and there was something primal about the heat. What this Predator didn’t know was he was going to encounter a creature that he has never come across before, a creature whose strength and hunting ability can easily match his own if not better it.
The Predator hid in the hills 50 miles west of Lubando where he sees a militia group firing machine guns into homes at a village in a nearby clearing. He jumps through the trees to the edge of the jungle looking over the vastitude of field. On the ground he sees what looks like a snake but upon closer inspection he sees that it’s an army tank track left behind from a land mine. Angolan militants, some children among them, drag screaming farm workers out into the center of the village and start executing them.
With his laser targeting system on, the Predator makes his way to the village. He fires a hook through the side of man holding a machine gun and pulls the man to him. Once he has the man close to him he pulls out the hook and rams his clawed hand into the small of the screaming man’s back. He then grips the man’s lower spine and tears it from his body along with his skull. The man’s lifeless body falls to the ground as some of the other militants start to fire their guns into the jungle toward the screams.
The Predator puts the spine and skull in a tree and jumps to another tree while firing his laser weapon at the men and the children firing machine guns at him. Some dive for cover while others stand as their chests explode. While the militants all focus their attention to their invisible attacker the village people flee to safety in the jungle away from the battle.
While sliding his twin blades out of his right arm device he shoots a number of other men, who are all confused as to what they are shooting at and what is killing them all. The Predator’s sight scans the village; it targets a man on a jeep and shoots him. He rams his massive blade into a man next to him, lifting him off the ground and tossing him 20 feet away.
The Predator’s cloaking device fails for a moment after his left forearm is shot. The men all see this massive creature stand before them, screaming and then disappearing again. Some of the men and children run for the jungle while some other men shoot them down for being cowards.
The sun sets as the men continue to shoot at nothing while one by one being killed by what they surely must think to be a demon. The Predator hooks six dead bodies and drags them into the jungle. He hangs them in the trees three stories from the ground. The men that are still alive regroup and hide. One man says to the group that, “The other demons will come and kill this one after they smell this blood bath, it’s night and it is their time now.”
The achromic vampires could not be seen in his helmet monitor, there was something wrong because one way or another, he could see all life forms. But what he couldn’t anticipate was what he was dealing with, in the deep jungle in the dark of night, wasn’t a life form.
The Predator tied off the six corpses when he heard a presents behind him. He quickly looked in the jungle scanning through all light spectrums. Nothing was there but yet he still felt there was. He readied himself to fight as the vampires approached the creature that was disappearing and then reappearing. One of the vampires got close and sprayed a pint of blood from his fanged mouth all over the Predator making him visible. The Predator fired his weapon in the direction of the blood splat and destroyed the vampire. He then started to randomly fire his weapon into the jungle at anything as he kept scanning frequencies in his helmet. He couldn’t detect any heat signatures anywhere. Two vampires got close enough and jumped him both being sliced in two for their efforts.
The Predator looked around and then let out a piercing sound frequency from his helmet. His helmet’s computer collects sound vibrations and starts to form a map of the area. Through sound waves only, he can see the trees and bushes as the frequency is increased to allow him to move around and still maintain a sound grid of his surrounding area. What his helmet monitor did pick up were advancing black voids that moved, he could see them now and began to fire his primary weapon at them, exploding nine of them before being jumped by six others.
He stabbed two of them with one thrust of his twin blades but the others began to bite into him. His green glowing blood filled their mouths as two on them fell to the ground, overwhelmed by the revitalizing properties within the blood itself. Human blood made the pain of their disease momentarily elevate but this was a cure to their suffering. A number of other vampires jumped the Predator as his armor on his body activated itself, covering other areas of his exposed flesh. He was being swarmed by these things as he fired a hook out from his arm and pulled himself out of the dog pile.
After suffering a number of bites and tears from these venomous creatures, the Predator pushed a button on his left forearm which released four needles that injected a panacea into his arm, a cure-all remedy to ward off all infection and or death. He then activated his self-destruct device, while the creatures gained on him. He stopped and looked back at them, removing his mask and looking at them with his alien-lizard eyes. He ferociously roared at them spreading his mandibles as wide as they go.
The vampires all stopped, panting, snarling, ready to kill this beast in front of them. The countdown of the self-destruction device continued to its last module. The vampires circle him and prepare their last attack, and then the Predator quickly aimed his left arm at the face of one of the night-crawlers and pushed a button, firing the self-destruction device from his arm. He dropped to his knees and slammed a rod into the ground. An immense red light shot upward from the rod and exploded ten feet above and created a laser cocoon around him. He knelt facing the vampires looking at the device in the face of one of their comrades and then at the cocoon shielding the Predator.
Then it happened, an explosion of an atomic bomb, vaporizing the night-crawlers where they stood in disbelief. The ring of fire raced across the land torching everything in its path. The militants stayed to close to the fight and they too were caught in a tsunami of flames.
Once the smoke began to clear the Predator deactivated the cocoon and stood up victorious, roaring to the heavens. A pod from his ship flew across the dead land and arrived next to him. He opened it, climbed in and blasted off, back to the ocean where his ship was. On the beach the villagers saw it splash into the water then looked back at the mushroom cloud in the sky. The Predator’s ship rises out of the ocean for the villagers to see before it blasts into space and is lost in the stars.